My own photo of Lake Moraine at sunrise. Canada.
Through the Lens: The Perspectives of Educational Developers of Color with Derina Samuels, Amanda Valdespino, and Sara Mazrouei, editors (forthcoming early 2025 with Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
A book/workbook on teaching and assessing Digital Storytelling projects with Ariel Siegelman and Jennifer Zaylea (under contract with Routledge/Taylor & Francis and to be submitted in June 2025).
Contributed to Teaching Resources for a Teaching and Learning Symposium on Teaching Race, Ethnicity & Politics for APSA (organized by Natalie Masuoka and Christopher Stout in April 2022) on the APSA Educate Blog. Teaching Race, Ethnicity, and Politics: Asian American, Pacific Islanders Inclusive Teaching Resources“
Teaching the Pandemic: Contextualizing Current Events and Asian Pacific American Experiences in the Political Science Curriculum” in a special issue on Teaching College Students about Asian and Asian Pacific American Politics from Multiple Perspectives ,” Journal of Political Science Education, April 25, 2022. John Ishiyama and James Lai, editors.
“#MeToo in Japan and South Korea: #WeToo, #WithYou” with Ki-young Shin for The Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Published on-line, March 22, 2019.
This special issue was reprinted as an edited volume in December 2019.
“Creating a Collective Memory of the Comfort Women in the United States,” with Mary McCarthy for the International Journal of Culture, Politics, and Society. Published on-line November 21, 2018 and forthcoming in print, Spring 2019:
“The Public and the Private: Women and Care in Japan’s Civil Society,” solo-authored book chapter for Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan, Gill Steel, editor. The University of Michigan Press, forthcoming January, 2019.
“Beyond Formal Representation: Case Studies of Women’s Participation in Civil Society in Japan” solo-authored article for Women’s Studies International Forum. Published on-line November 5, 2018 and forthcoming in print, January/February 2019.
"Coalition Building and Mobilization: Case Studies of the Comfort Women Memorials in the United States,” with Mary McCarthy in Politics, Groups, and Identities. Published on-line August 2, 2018.
This special issue was reprinted in an edited volume, Asian Pacific American Politics—Celebrating the Scholarly Legacy of Don T. Nakanishi (Routledge 2020).
“Womenomics Under Abe’s Leadership: Signs of Feminization of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party,” with Malliga Och. Representation. Published March 9, 2018 at
“Political Targets: Womenomics as an Economic and Foreign Relations Strategy,” Asie.Visions. Peer-reviewed policy report published on-line April, 2017.
“Gender Gaiatsu: Womenomics and Japan’s Gender Institutions,” US-Japan Women’s Journal, vol. 48 (Oct./Nov. 2016), pp. 79-114.
“Komeito in Coalition,” (Axel Klein, co-author) in Komeito: Religion and Politics in Japan, Steven Reed, Axel Klein, George Ehrhardt, and Levi McLaughlin, eds., Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, 2014.
“Decentralization and the Democratic Party of Japan” in Japan Under the DPJ: The Politics of Transition and Governance, Phillip Lipscy and Kenji Kushida, editors, the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University.
Chapter for the second volume of Presumed Incompetent. (forthcoming 2020).
Other Publications
Q and A with the Editors: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Japan for World Politics Review, published October 12, 2016 on-line.
Op-ed:“Womenomics” in the Asahi Shimbun, August 31, 2014.
Policy Report: “Womenomics and Women’s Empowerment: Can Abe be the Women’s Prime Minister?” The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, June, 2014.
2012. The Journal of Asian Studies, volume 71, issue 02, May, 2012. Review of Site Fights: Divisive Facilities and Civil Society in Japan and the West by Daniel Aldrich, Cornell University Press, 2008 and The Failure of Civil Society? The Third Sector and the State in Contemporary Japan by Akihiro Ogawa, State University of New York Press, 2009.
2011. Pacific Affairs: Volume 84, No. 2, June 2011. Review of Changing Politics in Japan by Gill Steel and Ikuo Kabashima, Cornell University Press, 2010.