University of Bridgeport (2019--), Assistant Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Political Science program, School of Public and International Affairs
University of Bridgeport (2017-19), Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Public and International Affairs
Franklin and Marshall College (2010-17), Assistant Professor of Government
Pepperdine University (2006-07, 2009), Adjunct in International Studies & Languages
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles (2007-08, 2009), Part-time Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science
University of California, Los Angeles (2005), Instructor in Political Science
2017: Black Student Union Ujima award for leadership/mentorship, Franklin and Marshall College
2012-2014: The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation US-Japan Network for the Future Fellow, Cohort II, 2012-2014
2011: Hackman Fellowship, Franklin &Marshall (Summer research with student)
2008: Sasakawa Foundation Dissertation Grant
2008: Aratani Fieldwork Grant
2006-7: Aratani Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
2007: Social Science Research Council, Japan Studies Dissertation Workshop
2002 and 2003: Departmental Nominee for UCLA Distinguished Teaching Assistant
2000: The Sasakawa Foundation Summer grant for advanced language training at International Christian University in Japan
1999-2002: Title VI, National Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Award for Japanese
University of Bridgeport
GLDP/GMCS 543, Grad seminar, Media and Development
FYS 101, First Year Seminar, Citizenship and Social Justice
PSCI 103-11, Introduction to Political Science
PSCI 218, Human Security
PSCI 207, World Politics
PSCI 204, Comparative Politics
PSCI 101, American Politics
PSCI 398, Senior Thesis
PSCI 238, Gender Politics from a Global Perspective
Franklin and Marshall College
GOV 120, Comparative Politics
GOV 130, International Politics
GOV 226, Gender Politics from a Global Perspective
GOV 324, East Asian Politics
GOV 472, Postwar Japanese Politics
GOV 476, The Politics of Gender
IND 490, Independent Study
IND 499, Honors Thesis
Loyola Marymount University
PS 395, Gender and Politics: A Global Perspective
PS 150, Introduction to Comparative Politics
PS 395, The Politics of East Asia
PS 155, Comparing Foreign Governments
Pepperdine University
Asian 301, Survey of East Asia
Asian 331, Modern China
University of California, Los Angeles
PS 160, Introduction to Japanese Government and Politics
Co-editor of a special issue on gender politics in Japan and the US with Melissa Deckman, Mari Miura, and Ki-young Shin for the American Political Science Association and Japan American Women Political Scientists Symposium (2019-to the present)
Mentor to minority women in the profession (doctoral students, post-docs, and junior faculty), American Political Science Association (2019-to the present).
University of Bridgeport (2017-19)
Chair, Political Science Program (2018-19)
Academic Advising for two majors: 1) Political Science and 2) International Political Economy and Diplomacy/Asia)
General Education Committee
Honors Committee
Faculty Advisory Council for the Heckman Center, Bridgeport Plan
Faculty Advisor to F.E.M.A.L.E.S. (student leadership organization supporting minority women)
Franklin & Marshall College (2011-17)
Organizer of the Minority Faculty and Staff Alliance
Provost Committee on Faculty Diversity and Recruitment
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Committee
Day of Dialogue Planning Committee
President’s First-Generation Allies Group
International and Off-Campus Studies Committee
Faculty advisor to the Black Student Union for the campus Dream Speaker Common Hour with Dr. Cornel West
Student Conduct Committee
Public Affairs Lecture Fund Committee
East Asian Studies Group, faculty mentor
Academic advising for International Studies majors or minors on East Asia
Admissions Autumn Open House Academic Panel and Interest Fair
Asian American Alliance faculty advisor
Government Club Advisor
Invited by Carol Cohn to contribute my gender politics syllabus to the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights resource database
Lancaster and Harrisburg, PA
Board Member, YWCA, Lancaster (term began January 2020)
Lancaster City’s Public Arts Diversity Sub-Committee
Former Board Member, World Affairs Council